NO.1 OpenAI Super Alignment Team Leader Resigns

On May 15th, local time, following the resignation of OpenAI’s Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever, the head of the company’s Super Alignment Team, Jan Leike, also resigned. It was reported that on June 5, 2023, OpenAI first announced the establishment of the Super Alignment AI Team, predicting that AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) might arrive within a decade. Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike jointly led the team.

Commentary: This could be a significant blow to OpenAI’s strategy, weakening its competitiveness in the AGI field. The company needs to quickly adjust its leadership to maintain project stability.

NO.2 Jensen Huang’s Compensation for Fiscal Year 2024 Increases by 60%

Reports indicate that NVIDIA’s latest proxy statement shows CEO Jensen Huang’s total compensation for fiscal year 2024 was $34.2 million, a 60% increase from the previous year. His compensation included $26.7 million in stock awards, $4 million in cash bonuses, and $2.5 million in other expenses, which included residential security, car, and driver costs.

Commentary: The significant increase in Jensen Huang’s compensation reflects NVIDIA’s market leadership in AI and semiconductors.

NO.3 xAI and Oracle Close to Reaching a Collaboration Agreement

According to foreign media, Elon Musk’s xAI company plans to sign a $10 billion deal with Oracle to rent their servers to support AI projects. xAI aims to reach the goal of using 100,000 H100 GPUs by the end of the year and is currently Oracle’s largest H100 GPU customer. Additionally, xAI is undergoing a $6 billion equity financing, with an expected annual hardware expenditure of $1.7 billion.

Commentary: The massive deal between xAI and Oracle highlights the fierce competition in the AI infrastructure market and will significantly enhance xAI’s computing capabilities.

NO.4 Amazon Plans to Build Cloud Computing Infrastructure in Germany

Reports say that Amazon AWS plans to invest 7.8 billion euros in Germany by 2040 to build cloud computing infrastructure to serve the European region. This move is expected to provide 2,800 full-time jobs in Germany each year. Amazon had previously announced that its data centers would first launch in Germany. The report also suggests that this plan will help the company enter the telecommunications market.

Commentary: Amazon’s large-scale investment in Germany will strengthen its position in the European cloud computing market and create numerous job opportunities. This move also demonstrates its long-term strategy and commitment to data privacy.

NO.5 Roche’s Weight Loss Drug Clinical Trial Achieves Positive Results

On May 16th, local time, Swiss healthcare giant Roche released early trial data for its weight loss drug CT-388. This Phase I study showed that after 24 weeks of treatment, CT-388 led to an average weight reduction of 18.8% in healthy adult obese patients, compared to a 0.1% weight loss in the control group.

Commentary: Roche has great potential in the weight loss drug market. A successful weight loss drug could significantly expand its medical product line and have a profound impact on innovation and competition in the entire industry.

Disclaimer: The content and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Verify before using.

Cover Image/Liu Xuemei (NBD)

Editor: Alexander