NBD AI Bulletin -- Maxscend Microelectronics Company Limited (SZ 300782, close price: 660 yuan) on January 19 announced that FENG CHENHUI, one of the Company's actual controllers, on January 18, 2021 released 510,000 shares that were pledged to Chengdu Branch of Bank of Dalian and the shares account for 3.53% of FENG's holdings in the Company. As of the date of the announcement, FENG CHENHUI has cumulatively pledged about 1.88 million shares, representing 12.92% of FENG's holdings in the Company.

The 2020 semiannual report shows that the main business of Maxscend Microelectronics is the integrated circuit industry, accounting for 100.0% of revenue.

The chairman and general manager of Maxscend Microelectronics is Xu Zhihan, male, 49 years old, Chinese national, no overseas permanent residency, bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science and technology of Tsinghua University, master's degree in electronic engineering of Santa Clara University, EMBA of China Europe International Business School.

(By Gao Han)

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