File photo/Tan Yuhan (NBD)

Dec. 10 (NBD) -- Microsoft is to retire Windows 7 on January 14, 2020, in a bid to encourage users to move to Windows 10 for future updating of function and security.

According to internet analysis company Net Applications, globally speaking, the Windows 10 operating system this January finally beat Windows 7 in terms of market share. However in China, the latter still sits on the throne. As of October 2019, Windows 7 has gained a 57-percent market share in China, much higher than an approximately 20 percent for Windows 10, based on statistics compiled by Tencent.

So what will happen when the support for Windows 7 ends?

Microsoft has announced plans to offer paid Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU) for enterprises. And, the Windows 7 ESU will be sold on a per-dec price will increase each year.


Editor: Lan Suying